All about me! (2!)

Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

Thank for looking at my haiku deck!

Ellie x

11 Comments on All about me! (2!)

  1. merrybeau
    March 11, 2016 at 3:20 pm (8 years ago)

    Hello there,

    Well done. You have the Student Blogging Challenge up and running. I can see an avatar and an ‘All about me’ Haiku. That was a good way to do an ‘All about me’ post. Visuals/graphics bring a blog alive.

    My name is Merry Beau and I am your Student Blogging Mentor. Four years ago I did the Student Blogging Challenge with a class of eight and nine year olds. It was such fun. We learned so much about blogging and we made friends all over the world. I hope you have a great time doing the ten week Student Blogging Challenge and enjoy it as much as we did.

    This is my third year doing the job of mentoring. I really enjoy visiting and revisiting blogs and having a back and forth conversation with you, the blog writer. Some of these conversations have been like a game of ping pong; over and back and over and back and during that conversation we talked about the interests of the student blogger.

    I live in Ireland. I have two grown up children; one is a midwife and the other hopes to join the Irish army. I have a dog of whom I am also very fond. I work with students between the ages of four and twelve. I teach a lot of English as a Foreign Language to students whose first language is not English. I enjoy this work.

    I will be calling back to revisit your blog from time to time. I advise you to take Ms Wyatt’s advice and to put the Student Blogging Challenge badge up. Here is a link to her post about how to do this

    This badge lets me as mentor know that your blog is up and running the challenge. Sometimes blogs can be a bit neglected by the student blogger. But if I see the badge I know that the blogger intends to do the challenge for sure. It does the same for any visitor to your blog who might call by during the Student Blogging Challenge.

    Well done on fulfilling this week’s challenges. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  2. merrybeau
    March 17, 2016 at 7:31 pm (8 years ago)

    Hello again Ellie.
    I hope this message finds you well.
    Eleven days into the Student Blogging Challenge. Ms. W. set the first task on Sunday 6th March. How are you doing?

    How many boxes can you tick?
    1. Hurrah you are one of the few students on my list that has blogging badge up. Well done. That badge lets everyone know you are doing the challenge.
    2. Have you completed many of the tasks?
    3. Have you an avatar?
    4. I see you have a detailed post telling people about you. Again, well done.
    5. Have you visited and commented on other blogs?
    6. Have you replied to comments any visitors left on your blog?

    I love to hear back from the students I mentor on the Student Blogging Challenge. Otherwise I feel like I am talking to myself 😉 My students are on their Easter holidays at the moment. Perhaps you are on Spring break or will be shortly.

    My students and I enjoy blogging. If you were to ask us why we would say:
    1. We enjoy writing for a real audience.
    It makes us very careful about what we write. We spell well and punctuate our work carefully. We feel that when we blog we are ambassadors for our school, our county and our county.
    We like choosing photos carefully that illustrate our work and bring our blog alive. Ms. Wyatt will be reminding everyone about the importance of acknowledging the copyright of the people to whom photos and graphics belong.
    2. We love hearing from visitors to our blog from all over the world and having conversations across thousands of miles and a number of time zones. We think it is really interesting to be talking to someone who is at school when we are asleep and who is perhaps coming into winter weather as we prepare for the summer.
    3. When our blog was really young we REALLY liked widgets, and we still do but we have tidied up our blog since to give it a cleaner design. We loved virtual pets for example, though we found them quite noisy.

    What do you like about blogging?
    With every good wish
    Merry Beau
    (your Student Blogging mentor)

  3. teadess4
    March 18, 2016 at 9:17 am (8 years ago)

    Love the pics! :]

  4. merrybeau
    March 25, 2016 at 12:45 pm (8 years ago)

    Hi Ellie,

    I love this week on the challenges because it is Free Choice. This is a very good idea on Ms. Wyatt’s part as so many students are on Easter break around this time. She suggests that you
    ‘catch up on the posts from the last couple of weeks – about me, avatar, commenting, guidelines, visiting and commenting, earth hour
    comment on other student or class blogs
    write your own post about something of your choice’. A reply to me, your mentor would be good. Otherwise I feel like I am talking to myself.
    Ms Wyatt suggests that you use hashtag #16stubc somewhere in the post so she know it is in answer to the challenge and is not a post unrelated to the Blogging Challenge.

    You will see from the Student Blogging Challenge link that some students will be taken off the student list over Easter (next weekend) if they have not completed certain activities.

    Ms. Wyatt explains this happens because less than half of the 2500 students registered for the challenge have a mentor. Some of the students with no mentor are working very hard on the challenges and some of the students with mentors are not participating in the student blogging challenges at all.

    I mentor 28 students and the last time I visited them about eight were working well on the challenges. Sixteen or so do not seem to be working on the challenges at all. Even though you have put up a badge, I am not sure if you are still doing the blogging challenge.

    Students who already have mentors need to have completed the following to be left on the list:
    1. An About Me page or post. I see you have one of these.
    2. One other post related to the challenge. Any chance you could write something?
    3. Settings on their blog must allow comments to be left by anyone. This is fine on your blog.
    4. The URL of their blog must be correct on the list. This is fine too.
    It would be great if you could write a post in response to any of the challenges so far.

    With every good wish
    Merry Beau

  5. Merry Beau
    April 10, 2016 at 4:44 pm (8 years ago)

    Hi Ellie,

    This is the second week of a challenge about images. I see you use your images to make your posts more interesting. That is good. But you will need to say where they came from.

    There is a story here about a ten year old boy who used an image of salami from Google Search and found himself in a bit of bother because he did not observe copyright laws.

    We are very careful to observe copyright on our class blog. We love using images from Compfight to bring our creative writing to life.

    Ms. Wyatt recommends we read this link about images and copyright from Sue Waters

    I believe Compfight is a plug in on Edublogs that you can use. I see you have used some photos already. Where do you find it easy to get them? It is impotant to attribute them to the people who created them and so observe copyright.

    Have a good week and enjoy the challenges.

    With every good wish
    Merry Beau

  6. merrybeau
    April 21, 2016 at 10:55 pm (8 years ago)

    Hello again Ellie,
    I hope my message finds you well. I see my comments from earlier in the challenge are still awaiting moderation, so I understand that you couldn’t reply, if you hadn’t seen them.
    It is just coming towards the end of Week 6 of the Student Blogging Challenge. Four more challenges to go!
    How are you getting on with this week’s challenges?
    Did you manage to write a post on food, songs, stories or clothing that is popular in your country?
    Have you been attributing copyright for any images you used from the web.
    Or did you get a chance to create a poll or a survey?
    Hopefully you got a chance to visit at least 5 blogs and leave a comment. Connecting with people across the globe is one of the best things about blogging I’m sure you will agree.
    As your mentor I pop in to visit your blog from time to time to see how you are getting on.
    I love to hear back from the students I mentor because otherwise it is like talking to myself!
    Here, for example is a student who is doing the Student Blogging Challenge who replies to my comments.
    You can see from the link that it makes blogging more interesting to reply to the people who leave comments on your blog.
    Good luck with this week’s challenges.
    With every good wish
    Merry Beau

  7. Mikayla
    April 22, 2016 at 4:50 pm (8 years ago)

    Hi, my name is Mikayla, I’m from California. I really like your blog set up, you have some pretty cool widgets. I saw in your post that your favorite food is pizza. What’s your favorite topping?


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